The Art of Humor in Advertising: A Comprehensive Exploration of Comedic Video Ads

Matt Christey
November 9, 2023

Greetings, fellow seekers of chuckles in the abyss of advertisements! In a world flooded with mundane marketing messages, the knights of creativity have brandished a new weapon: humour. Brace yourselves, for we're about to dive headfirst into the captivating realm of funny video ads. 

The Chuckle Connection

Ladies and gents, it's time to unveil the grand secret behind the power of humour in ads. It's like Cupid's arrow dipped in a barrel of laughs. Humour forges an emotional bond with the audience, making your brand more memorable than your grandma's secret pancake recipe. 

Funny ads have a tendency to go viral faster than gossip at a tea party, giving them a reach that could make your ex jealous.

Ready to dive into the meaty bits? Picture this: we're your Sherpas, guiding you through the treacherous terrains of comedic ads. From slapstick shenanigans to the sassiest satire, we'll show you how to wield each comedic style to perfection. 

Types Of Giggles And Grins

Now, let's unmask the three main comedy stars that dominate the scene:

Slapstick Humour

Slapstick humour is physical comedy that relies on exaggerated movements and actions to make you chuckle. It's all about taking a tumble, tripping over invisible pebbles, and prancing around like an overexcited squirrel. 

Brands like Old Spice cracked this code, unleashing a shirtless bloke who rode horses backwards and strummed guitars in the shower. The absurdity is gold, my friends.

Savvy Satire

Satire is a form of humour that uses irony and exaggeration to criticize or comment on society or politics - imagine irony on steroids, wrapped in a cloak of mockery. It can be a powerful tool for brands that want to take a stand on a controversial issue or poke fun at their competitors.

Dollar Shave Club unleashed a CEO who dropped truth bombs on traditional razors with a straight face that'd make a poker player envious. Who knew razor blades could be so riotous?

Parody Perfection

Parody is any type of humour that imitates a well-known work of art or culture for comedic effect - It's like dressing up as your favourite superhero for Halloween. Using parody in your campaigns is an awesome way to tap into the nostalgia of their audience and create a sense of familiarity.

Snickers took this route, turning iconic TV scenes into a candy-coated carnival. Remember Marilyn Monroe's subway scene? Now add peanuts and a snappy punchline. Bingo!

We like to go down the retro route, embracing the tropes of cheesy presenters, punchy pacing, and all round character-heavy scripts.

Strategies for Using Humour in Comedic Video Ads

But, alas, crafting the perfect funny ad isn't a mere stroll in the park. It requires the finesse of a wine connoisseur. Here are three strategies to master the art:

Decode Your Audience

Want your ad to be the star of the show? Know your audience better than you know your own reflection! What makes them laugh? What topics are off-limits? By tailoring your humour to your audience, you can create a more effective and memorable ad.

Adult Swim nailed this, delivering a side-splitting parody of 80s sitcoms, striking a chord with nostalgia-choked viewers.

Relevance Rules

Here's the truth: slapstick about squirrels won't sell car insurance. Ensure your humour aligns with your product or service, or risk being the punchline yourself. 

Pepsi's misguided attempt at blending social justice with fizzy drinks proves it. The humour on Kendall Jenner’s ad simply fell flat, it didn’t resonate with the audience and Pepsi ended up being widely criticized for trivializing important issues.

Jokes, Not Jabs

Finally, be aware that edgy humour can cut like a double-edged sword. Stray too close to the line, and you'll end up in the danger zone. Just ask Mountain Dew about their talking goat that missed the mark entirely. The video was labeled racist and sexist, leading to a public apology from the company.

Never punch down. If you read your script and it feels like you’re hitting from a position of more power than those that you’re imitating or poking, perhaps it’s worth going back to the drawing board.

So, What Have We Learned?

To wrap up our merry escapade, remember this: humour is a potent elixir, but like any magic, it must be used wisely. Know your crowd, keep it relevant, and steer clear of the landmines of tastelessness. Punch up, maybe even sideways, but never down.

In the pantheon of advertising, funny ads can wield their hilarity like a sledgehammer, reshaping brands and boosting sales. So, dear reader, in the immortal words of Sir Isaac Newton (and probably a little out of context), "Keep calm and let the humour flow!"

Ready to redefine your brand's success through humour? Give us a bell, and let's embark on a rip-roaring journey of turning the sceptics into your brand's biggest cheerleaders with the charm of comedic video ads. Your audience is ready for a good chuckle, and your brand's ready to shine. Onwards and upwards, I say!

Until next time, keep it dirty!


Matt Christey

Scriptwriter and keen flamethrower handler. Occasionally has an interesting thought. Big fan of causing trouble in the name of a good story.


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