The Secret to Viral Success: Unconventional Video Marketing Tactics That Work

Hayden Brown
October 31, 2023

Nowadays, it takes more than just churning out traditional marketing tactics to get your brand noticed. With the rise of video content, it's no secret that creating compelling videos is an effective way to grab your audience's attention. But what if we told you that there are unconventional video marketing tactics that can take your brand to the next level?

That's right, we're talking about tactics that are so out-of-the-box, they'll make your head spin. From using humour to tapping into emotions, to leveraging user-generated content and influencers, these tactics have been proven to create viral success.

So, if you're ready to shake things up and take your brand to new heights, buckle up and keep reading. In this post, we'll be sharing the top unconventional video marketing tactics that actually work. Get ready to be inspired and take notes!

Unconventional Video Marketing Tactics

We're not about that standard marketing life. We believe that to make an impact, you have to stand out from the crowd. That's why we've put together a list of unorthodox video marketing tactics that will make your brand go viral. So sit tight and listen up!

Using humour to create shareable content

Image by Alyona Pastukhova from pexels

Who doesn't love a good laugh? Create videos that will make your audience LOL and they'll be more likely to share it with their friends. Just remember, humour is subjective, so make sure you know your audience and tread lightly.

Leveraging user-generated content

People love seeing themselves on camera. Encourage your fans to create and share their own videos featuring your product or service. Not only is it authentic marketing, but it will also boost engagement and brand loyalty.

Creating videos that tap into emotions

Emotions drive actions. So, create videos that resonate with your audience on a deeper level. Whether it's nostalgia, inspiration, or heartwarming moments, creating an emotional connection with your audience will go a long way.

Using influencers and brand ambassadors

Image by Los  Muertos Crew from pexels

Partnering with influencers and brand ambassadors can give your brand the exposure it needs to reach new audiences. And, when they create videos featuring your product or service, their followers will take notice.

Incorporating interactive elements

Who doesn't love a good choose-your-own-adventure story? Incorporating interactive elements such as quizzes, polls, or clickable links can increase engagement and keep your audience coming back for more.

Case Studies of Successful Campaigns

At Dirty Jack, we're all about results! That's why we've rounded up some real-world examples of brands that have successfully used unconventional video marketing tactics. Let's take a look at what they did right:

Dollar Shave Club

With their humorous and irreverent video ads, Dollar Shave Club quickly gained a cult following. Their first video went viral, and they eventually sold the company for $1 billion. Not too shabby, right?


GoPro's user-generated content strategy has been a game-changer in the world of action cameras. By showcasing their product's capabilities through user videos, they've created an engaged community that's always looking for the next adrenaline-pumping adventure.

Tips for Implementing Unconventional Video Marketing Tactics

Ready to take your brand to new heights? Here are some tips to help you implement these unconventional video marketing tactics:

Keep it authentic

Your audience will smell BS from a mile away. So, make sure your videos are authentic and true to your brand voice.

Know your audience

This is marketing 101, folks. If you don't know your audience, you won't be able to create videos that resonate with them.

Test, test, test

There's no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to marketing. So, test out different tactics to see what works best for your brand.

Don't forget the call-to-action

At the end of the day, you want your audience to take action. Whether it's making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or following you on social media, don't forget to include a clear call-to-action in your videos.

So, What Have We Learned?

Image by Lê Minh from pexels

In today's digital age, it's crucial to stand out from the crowd. Using unconventional video marketing tactics is a surefire way to achieve viral success and make a lasting impact on your audience. From incorporating humour to leveraging user-generated content, these tactics can help your brand go from meh to memorable.

But remember, there's no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to marketing. It's important to test out different tactics and see what works best for your brand. Keep it authentic, know your audience, and don't forget the call-to-action.

Ready to redefine your brand's success through humour? Give us a bell, and let's embark on a rip-roaring journey of turning the sceptics into your brand's biggest cheerleaders with the charm of comedic video ads. Your audience is ready for a good chuckle, and your brand's ready to shine. Onwards and upwards, I say!

Until next time, keep it dirty!


Hayden Brown

Chief of mingling, and our resident cameraman. Hayden’s eye for silliness, and beef with the boring, assure Dirty Jack’s campaigns will never whiff of tradition.


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