From LOL to ROI: The Importance of Brand Values in Video Marketing

Candela Martos
November 28, 2023

In the whirlwind world of digital marketing, where everyone reckons they're top dog, video speaks louder than words. It's the perfect British trio: visuals (the meat), audio (the crust), and storytelling (the rich gravy). But, hold on, aren't we missing the mint sauce?

Ah, brand values! The unsung hero, often left in the shadows like the last biscuit in the tin. This post will take you on a jaunt from chuckles (LOL) to the wow of success (ROI), highlighting the slick role of brand values in video marketing. Ready for the adventure? Off we go!

Brand Values and Video Marketing

Brand Values and Video Marketing go together like fish and chips, or a Brit caught in the rain without wellies—utterly unthinkable! Brand values are your brand's backbone, the trusty map guiding you through the bustling marketplace. They encapsulate your brand's quirks, its core beliefs, and its handshake agreements.

Imagine sprinkling these values into your video tales. It's not just about peddling products; it's about crafting a narrative that resonates, making your audience laugh, shed a tear, or even tap their feet. When they resonate with your brand values, they're not just grabbing an item; they're joining a delightful escapade.

And voilà! That emotional connection turns your casual onlookers into steadfast fans, ready for more tea, biscuits, and of course, your brand

Role of Brand Values in Video Ads

What's the role of Brand Values in Video Ads? Think of your most-loved telly adverts. What makes them stick, like a stubborn tea stain on your favourite shirt? It's that emotional wallop they pack, right? Top-notch video ads aren't just parading a product around, they're spinning a tale. 

Say, for example, your brand's all about being green (not with envy, mind you, but sustainability). Your video ads should craft a tale that shouts, "Oi! We're dead serious about saving Mother Earth!" This harmony creates a smooth-as-butter link between your brand's steadfast principles and the jolly good content you churn out.

Craft a video ad that's chock-full of brand values, and you've got yourself a recipe for a rollercoaster of feels—from chuckles to chin-wobbling inspiration, prompting folks to jump up and do something! 

Think beyond the product. What is it you’re trying to do? What’s the mission that your product is helping?

Incorporating Brand Values in Video Campaigns

Crafting a tale that flaunts your brand's values isn't just a "wham, bam, thank you, ma'am" kind of deal. Oh no, it's like a soap opera—never-ending and full of twists!

Video campaigns are your golden ticket to dive headfirst into these values, making them the star of the show across a series of smashing content pieces. This encore performance isn't just for show, it's like a cuppa that keeps getting refilled. It cements the bond between your brand and its values, imprinting them onto the brains of your dear viewers.

Here's the clincher: the more you bang on about your brand values (in a good way, of course), the more your audience will sit up, take notice, and think, "Blimey, this brand's the real deal!"

Consistency of Brand Values in Videos

Now, onto the topic of consistency, or as I like to call it, the "Keep Calm and Carry On" of Brand Values in Videos. Here's where a good number of brands go a bit pear-shaped. Many brands start with a bang, creating videos bursting with brand values. But over time, their content can become as mixed up as an overloaded English breakfast.

This muddle can leave your audience scratching their heads, thinking, "Oi, what's this brand about?" and can make your brand image wobble like a questionable trifle.

Consistency is the key. It ensures every video, come rain or shine, showcases your brand values. It's not just about content, it's about building a legacy and trust with your audience. So, keep calm, stay consistent, and let your brand values shine!

Measuring Brand Values Success in Video Ads

Let's tackle the nitty-gritty: Measuring the Success of Brand Values in Video Ads. So, you've crafted a tale, evoked emotions, and championed your brand values. But did it hit the mark?

Measuring ROI in video marketing can be a tad tricky. Beyond the usual metrics like views and click-through rates, consider the buzz. Are people sharing your video? Chatting about it on social media?

These little signs show that your video isn't just another drop in the ocean, it's made waves. And don't forget to keep an ear to the ground to see how the emotional ties, thanks to your brand values, are shaping how people see your brand.

Brand Values and Audience Engagement

Alright, gather 'round for a bit of a chinwag about the love story between Brand Values and Audience Engagement. Think of brand values as the charming British accent that makes the heart flutter. It's that emotional spark that turns casual viewers into smitten kittens. These fans will be your most valuable asset. Part of your multiverse as it were.

When your video strikes a chord, viewers don't just lounge with their tea; they're all in! They'll share your content, chat about it, and might even champion your brand. A ‘brand’ is only made by what other people say about you, so give them something to rave about.

But here's the crux: Audience engagement isn't just about tallying up the numbers like you're counting sheep. It's about rallying a loyal crew who truly resonate with your brand's values. 

Engaging with other people on the same mission as you is also key. Share articles, blogs, videos and posts that align with the change you want to see. There is never any harm in collaboration, so keep a keen eye on those who share your values.

So, What Have We Learned?

By lacing your video marketing with your brand's steadfast principles, you're not just making content, you're crafting an emotional rendezvous with your audience.

This heart-to-heart not only gets the banter flowing but also gets the tills ringing. So, the next time you're concocting a video marketing potion, remember: your brand values are the magic ingredient that can morph a mere viewer into a raving fan.

This isn’t us telling you to go make up some stories, oh no. This is us telling you to be honest about what spurred this product on in the first place. What problem are you trying to tackle?

Ready to redefine your brand's success through humour? Give us a bell, and let's embark on a rip-roaring journey of turning the sceptics into your brand's biggest cheerleaders with the charm of comedic video ads. Your audience is ready for a good chuckle, and your brand's ready to shine. Onwards and upwards, I say!

Until next time, keep it dirty!


Candela Martos

Meet Candela, one of the co-founders of Dirty Jack and a video editing aficionado! She's been at it for 8 years, juggling projects and clients from all walks of life. Candela thrives on playfulness, and at Dirty Jack, the fun never stops. She's also the mastermind behind the systems that keep Dirty Jack running smoothly. As the one who oils the machine, Candela ensures that all the gears work in harmony, making the business tick like clockwork.


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